China's national ecological and environmental quality still needs to be maintained, the position of ecological and environmental protection in the development of the national economy has been raised to an unprecedented height, and the task of environmental protection has become increasingly difficult and urgent. The central government of China develops environmental policies, which are then carried out by local governments. Therefore, the environmental regulation strategies of local governments directly affect national environmental governance. In order to explore the central-local environmental co-governance mechanism, identify the key influencing factors of cross-regional environmental governance, and improve the effectiveness of environmental governance, the behavioral traits and ideal tactics of local environmental governance should be clarified. Hence, this paper proposes a central-local environmental co-governance evolutionary game model under the background of the central inspection of ecological and environmental protection. From the perspective of the game tripartite strategy evolutionary law, the decision-making evolutionary process of the local government itself and the collaborative governance of environmental pollution are discussed, and simulation analysis is carried out. The research results draw the following conclusions: (1) Enhancing the local government's environmental governance intensity and adopting the regional co-governance mechanism will help the two adjacent local governments actively undertake environmental protection responsibilities. (2) For local governments, the administrative strength of the central government's environmental inspection has an obvious regulatory role. (3) Public participation encourages local governments to undertake environmental protection responsibilities. In general, intergovernmental cooperative governance, the optimization of incentives and punishments, and multi-agent co-governance are key factors that are of great significance in improving the effectiveness of environmental governance.