Low-carbon and environmentally friendly development are becoming increasingly important in the metallurgical industry. In this study, the use of biomass as a source of both material and energy in metallurgical technologies is reviewed. The paper discusses the preparation of bio-based raw materials, their utilization in metallurgical processes, phytoremediation and metal extraction technology, and forestry as a carbon dioxide sequestration method. Bio-based raw materials, such as bio-based fuels, reductants, adhesives, and activated carbons, are found to provide energy, act as reductants and binders, dispose metallurgical flue gas, and adjust metal melt composition, thereby reducing energy consumption in metallurgical processes. Additionally, heavy metals can be enriched in plants through biomass-mediated soil remediation, and these metals can then be processed to obtain raw materials for metallurgical processes. Moreover, metallurgical waste heat can be used to prepare biomass as soil amendments, remediate deserts, and indirectly reduce metallurgical industry carbon dioxide emissions through forest carbon sinks. Based on these findings, the concept of biomass metallurgy is proposed, which promotes the use of biomass as energy or raw materials, ecological restoration and reforestation, and reduction of carbon dioxide and pollutant emissions in metallurgical processes. This study emphasizes the advantages of biomass metallurgy and encourages the development of low-carbon and green metallurgical processes.