An intersectional analysis of violence against women demonstrates a complicated mechanism caused by the abuse of power, arising from concomitant or isolated variables and also encompassing structurally dependent sectors with varied identities, providing the basis for harmful and discriminatory actions. The aim of this study is to use a case study to describe the consequences of partner violence against women in their relationship based on an intersectional approach. A qualitative, non-experimental approach is assumed from a narrative perspective, involving an in-depth, extensive case study focused on behaviours reported by the victim "her story", observable reactions or those provoked in the course of the relationship. in constant systematic conditions, with the purpose of understanding and explaining their features. The analysis of the results permits an affirmation that the intersectionality approach allows us to understand that the experience of Caro (identity anonymised) and her family is shaped by a series of interconnected factors, including gender, violence against women, child abuse, poverty, racism, discrimination and illness. To effectively address Caro's situation and that of many women like her, it is essential to consider and understand the interaction and impact of these factors. The case study shows the critical issues affecting the path that women take in search of protection, institutional disjointedness and the absence of comprehensive responses.