As part of architecture studies and insight analysis focused on requirements development into Human Landing System lunar architecture designs, multiple studies are underway to understand the sensitivities and options for achieving high precision landing on the lunar surface. The baseline approach utilizes a combination of multiple sensors to capture autonomous state observations of the lander with respect to the lunar surface. These systems are typically constrained in terms of operational altitudes by parameters such as onboard map size, camera focus, or sensor transmitted power (for altimeter observations). While these sensor suites do enable high precision landing, they are typically very complex and expensive. For a humanrated vehicle, fault detection algorithms are needed in addition to redundant sensors, which drive additional design complexity. Conversely, for these early missions, mass performance is key, so extended analysis is required to identify numbers of sensors, their ideal placement, and integration algorithms. A key part of this analysis is to help identify key sensor suites and options to help alleviate this design tension. An alternate approach is to take advantage and build out in-situ assets to allow for GPSlike navigation within the lunar regime through the use of navigation references or beacons. This can be achieved through the integration of navigation services into potential relays and pre-placed lunar surface assets. This research focuses on the capability of this infrastructure to support navigation in all areas of cislunar space such as: approach to the moon, in orbit around the moon, and ascent/descent operations to the surface. Augmented state linear covariance analysis (LinCov) and navigation state covariance analysis (NavCov) tools were used to assess a variety of navigation reference locations and how they can support vehicle operations through both understanding of state uncertainties and trajectory dispersions. This research helps to supplement existing studies focused on communication link analysis by providing additional insight into specific vehicle operational scenarios that are tied closely to potential Human Landing System scenarios. Key aspect of this analysis focus on the sensitivity to state knowledge of the references, the accuracy of inter-asset measurements, and placement in support of the various scenarios.