This research describes the finite difference solution of a 2-D, steady, laminar, viscous, incompressible boundary layer and heat transfer flow of a Bio-magnetic fluid over a convectively heated continuously moving horizontal plate in the presence of a magnetic field. All the fluid properties are supposed to be constant, except for the fluid viscosity which is taken as an inverse linear function of temperature. Moreover, the temperature at the wall is assumed to follow the power law variation with the x-coordinate. The solution procedure involves converting the governing system of coupled PDEs (Momentum and Energy equations) into nonlinear ODEs by establishing similarity transformations. The transformed ODEs along with the boundary conditions are then solved numerically by introducing an efficient numerical technique based on the finite difference algorithm. The significant effects of the governing parameters on the flow fields along with the skin friction and heat transfer rate are presented more in details. Verification of this work has been done by comparing the results numerically as well as graphically with former results and quite good agreement is found. It has been analyzed theoretically by using suitable transformations that the ferrohydrodynamic interaction parameter, has a great enhancement on bio-magnetic fluid rather than regular fluid. It is also noticed that the buoyancy force parameter, the viscosity-temperature parameter, and power-law variation in temperature, have significant effects on the flow and heat transfer mechanism. These outcomes could be of interest in medical as well as bioengineering implementations, like, magnetic drug delivering in blood cells, separating RBCs (Red Blood Cells), controlling the flow of blood during surgeries, treating cancer by producing magnetic hyperthermia etc.