This study aims to reveal the long-term station-based characteristics of precipitation in Istanbul, a mega city located on the continents of Europe and Asia, with complex topography and coastline along the Marmara and Black Seas. Using data from five different stations, three located in the European continent and two in the Asian continent, with measurement periods ranging from 72 to 93 years, wet and dry days have been identified, statistics on precipitation conditions during the warm and cold seasons have been generated, categorization based on precipitation intensities has been performed, and analyses have been conducted using extreme precipitation indices. At stations located in the northern part of the city, higher annual total precipitation has been observed compared to those in the south. A similar situation applies to the number of wet days. While during the cold season, the wet and dry day counts are nearly the same across all stations, this condition exhibits significant differences in favor of dry days during the warm season. Apart from dry conditions, "moderate" precipitation is the most frequently observed type across all stations. However, "extreme" events occur significantly more often (6%) during the warm season compared to the cold season (2%). Long-term anomalies in terms of annual precipitation totals have shown similarity between stations in the north and south, which has also been observed in longitudinally close stations. Despite the longer duration of the cold season and stronger temperature gradients, extreme rainfall events are more frequent during the warm season, primarily due to thunderstorm activity. While trend analyses revealed limited significant trends in precipitation intensity categories and extreme indices, the study highlights the importance of comprehensive examination of extreme rainfall events on both station-based and regional levels, shedding light on potential implications for regional climate change. Lastly, during the cold season, the inter-station correlation in terms of annual total precipitation amounts has been considerably higher compared to the warm season.