The aim of this paper was to define which ethical dilemmas related to confidentiality, as an important ethical principle, occur ammong supervisors, how they act in these situations and what guides them. In the research that was conducted by an anonymous web questionnaire participatd licensed supervisors as well as supervisors that still participate in education. In this article there are presented results of the findings related to three research questions: which ethical dilemmas regarding adherence to confidentiality agreements occur in supervision; what guides supervisors in resolving ethical dilemmas related to confidentiality and how in practice.they resolve their ethical dilemmas related to confidentiality. Data analysis shows that ethical dilemmas related to compliance with confidentiality agreements relate to the categories: composition of supervision groups, expectations of supervisors, responsibilities of supervisors towards the employer/ organisatio that oredered supervision, dual roles of supervisors, supervisors attitude toward confidentiality and responsibilities of supervisors towards confidentiality. When solving ethical dilemmas, supervisors are guided by principles: related to the confidentiality agreement, concern for the welfare of the supervisee and client, professional values, methods and way of working. Related to the issue of practical resolving of ethical dilemmas related to confidentiality, the following categories were distinguished: practical use of confidentiality agreements and transparency. From the findings, it can be concluded that it is extremely important to develop the supervisor's competencies in order to be able to bring an ethical distinction, but also to teach the supervisee how to behave ethically in their practical work. The above mentioned can be provided by systematic support in the form of meta -supervisions, intervision, consultations, written instructions and codes.