The measurement of soil water content is a very important factor in plant cultivation, both from an economic and ecological point of view. Proper estimation of moisture content not only allows for proper yields but can also contribute to ecologically appropriate use of fresh water, of which the world's resources are limited. It is important, for example, that the moisture content in the root area of plants is optimal for their growth, while over-watering can result in losses in the form of water, which seeps below the root layer and is lost. The novel, inexpensive electronic meter for measuring soil moisture is presented in the article. The meter, based on a capacitive method, uses an optimization algorithm to calculate soil electrical permeability and a simplified new formula between soil electrical permeability and volumetric moisture content. Moreover, by using two high-frequency signals for measurements, it is possible not only to estimate moisture content but also soil conductivity. Both readings obtained from the meter not only allow for rational management of crop optimization for economic reasons but are also important for environmental protection. In addition, the inexpensive meter, based on the principle of operation presented, can be made as an IoT module, which allows for its wide application.