Reason Because of its usually varied sign features, it is sometimes difficult to recognize and classify a brain cancer, such as glioblastoma multiforme, in appealing magnetic resonance (MR) images. A robust technique for dividing up brain development X-ray exams was developed and tested. Techniques Different parts of the GBM, such as localized difference upgrading, decay, and edema, are too complex for basic limitations and quantifiable approaches to adequately partition. Strategies based on generative or discriminative models have inherent limitations when used, such as limited sample set learning and movement, and most voxel-based approaches fail to produce satisfactory results in larger informative indices. Both endeavors aimed to demonstrate the intricate interplay between thought and behavior and to understand and study brain diseases through the collection and analysis of massive quantities of data. It was very challenging to document, analyze, and share the growing neuroimaging datasets. A computational approach is used to partition multimodal MR images into super pixels in order to improve the example representativeness and alleviate the inspection problem. Then, staggered Gabor wavelet channels were used to distinguish the highlights from the super pixels. In order to overcome the challenges of previous generative models, a grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) model and a liking metric model for growths were developed based on the given data.