Background: The application of gene editing technology in the field of endangered plant and animal conservation has innovative and prospective value in saving endangered plant and animal populations, but it also poses challenges to the ecological environment and bioethical norms. Gene editing has impacted China's animal and plant protection legal system, and this study aims to provide solutions for China to regulate gene editing of endangered plants and animals. The study concludes that China should enact specific legislation on gene editing of endangered plants and animals, abide by the concept of biosafety, and aim to maintain biodiversity and ecological balance; under the supervision of the ecological and environmental departments, the regulation of gene editing of endangered plants and animals should adopt a hybrid model of "combining the product and the process", and establish a system of registration, labeling, and responsibility. The ownership of gene-edited endangered animals and plants should adhere to the compound ownership model, recognizing that the State, collectives and individuals can all be owners within the scope of legal authorization.