ObjectiveIn Bangladesh, drivers' failure to yield to pedestrians at designated crossings poses a significant safety risk and discourages their use of such crossings. The use of behavior change theories could be more appropriate in such complex situations where the interdependent behaviors of drivers and pedestrians interact. While many studies have identified factors that affect drivers' yielding behavior in the literature, fewer efforts have been made to apply behavior change theories in exploring and validating these factors, and to reach a consensus among competing road users. This study is among the first to utilize behavior change theories in Bangladesh to identify pedestrians' safety factors that could promote drivers' yielding behavior, upon which a consensus between drivers and pedestrians could be established.MethodsA self-reported attitudinal survey was administered to 202 drivers on two highways in Bangladesh with a questionnaire using the capability, opportunity, motivation, and behavior (COM-B) model for the comprehensive coverage of behavior change theories. The focus group interviews were also conducted with 40 pedestrians and 19 drivers who have experience with four crossing sites on the selected highways. The collected data were analyzed using a regression model to identify significant factors influencing the drivers' yielding behavior. These factors were then justified using a deductive thematic coding framework based on behavior change theories.ResultsThe regression model explained the variance in drivers' yielding by 45.1% with eight factors. The model found seven positive significant contributory factors in the drivers' yielding that could promote pedestrian safety. Of them, the motivation factors were avoiding random crossing by pedestrians, vulnerable groups, assertiveness, and facial fear expressions; and the opportunity factors were traffic signs or advanced yield lines, crossing in groups at specific times, and enforcement.ConclusionsThe study's findings have practical implications for policymakers, highway designers, and other stakeholders involved in promoting pedestrian safety by acknowledging their stake in making any decision that might impact them. Highway designers can use the thematic coding framework to recommend any contributory factors involved, where competing drivers' unwillingness to yield is the primary threat to pedestrians' safety.