This research paper explores the intricate interplay between industrial digitalization (ID) and high-quality development of manufacturing industry (HQDMI) within the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB), focusing on their coupling and coordination dynamics from 2013 to 2021. Employing a combination of the entropy approach, a modified coupling coordination degree model (CCDM), and obstacle degree model, we meticulously analyze the evolution of these two critical sectors across 11 provinces/municipalities. Our findings indicate a progressive improvement in the cooperation levels between ID and HQDMI, with marked regional variations revealing a pattern of "high in the east and low in the west." The research identifies significant barriers to effective synchronization, including challenges in technology innovation and digital transformation of business operations. The insights garnered from this study illuminate the complex dependencies and potential for coordinated development between digital and manufacturing sectors, offering valuable implications for policymakers and stakeholders. By bridging gaps in coordination, this research contributes to the broader objectives of fostering a knowledge-based economy, enhancing regional economic strategies, and promoting sustainable, high-quality development. This study advances academic understanding and provides practical frameworks for enhancing industrial strategy and regional competitiveness in the context of China's rapid technological and industrial transformation.