Various kinds of yellow-feathered chickens are crossbred from Chinese local native chicken breeds and introduced broilers. The individual parts of yellow-feathered chickens are less suitable for sale after slaughtering than those of broilers, and they have mainly been sold as live whole chickens. With the establishment of cold chain logistics for chicken in China, chilled-type and processed yellow-feathered chicken products have appeared in the market. Xueshan chicken, a yellow-feathered chicken breed, which has high meat quality and good taste, is bred to meet the diversified needs of the market by Jiangsu Lihua Breeding Company. The present study used Xueshan chicken as an experimental model to determine the effect of sex on the slaughtering performance and meat quality. This study provides valuable breeding references for poultry producers by determining the basic production phenotypes of yellow-feathered chickens. The demand for high-quality chilled chicken has continued to increase in China. Chickens are sexually dimorphic, and to better understand the specific differences in chicken production based on sex, we examined how sex affects growth performance, carcass traits, and meat quality of yellow-feathered chickens. Male and female Xueshan chickens were used as the experimental model. Although males exhibited better growth performance, including body weight (BW), body slope, keel, shank length, and shank girth (p < 0.05), as well as carcass traits, such as dressed weight, leg muscle, and lean meat, females had higher carcass and breast muscle yields (p < 0.05). Males had higher follicle density and yellowness (b*) of the skin and better skin than females (p < 0.05). Among blood biochemical parameters, the serum content of corticosterone (CORT) was higher in males, while those of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), and catalase (CAT) were lower in males than in females (p < 0.05). The pH levels, shear force, and moisture content quality were better in male breast meat, while the intramuscular fat content (IMF) was lower in males than in females (p < 0.05). The redness (a*) and moisture content were higher in male leg meat, while the pH, water-loss rate (WLR), lightness (L*), and IMF were lower (p < 0.05). The muscle fiber diameter and cross-sectional area were also higher in males (p < 0.05). Consumers felt that soup of male chicken was better than female (p < 0.05), while mouthfeel and tenderness acceptance of breast meat were different between the sexes. These results indicate that female chickens can be marketed as a whole carcass, while males are more suitable for processed carcass products. This study provides significant insights into the production and processing methodologies of yellow-feathered chickens.