Nowadays, it is a crucial challenge to investigate the didactics of argumentation that processes critical thinking in a complex multimodal and hypertextual semiotic framework. In addition, the analysis of teachers' academic beliefs, as a latent ideological background, is of interest, given their role as a guide for action. Thus, the general aim of the study is to explore the academic beliefs of Spanish Language and Literature teachers about the didactic development of argumentation in text commentary in the current context of multimodal and hypertextual reception. A qualitative methodology of interpretative-phenomenological design has been followed. Thirty-three teachers of Spanish Language and Literature, specifically selected as key informants for their teaching profile and professional experience, participated in the study. Regarding the instrument, a semi-structured interview was designed, through which data were collected and analyzed by means of the qualitative software Atlas.ti (version 7). Finally, the analysis of the teachers' beliefs reveals that there is still no adequate response in their pedagogical tendencies to the institutional and scientific demands concerning dialogical argumentation in a multimodal and hypertextual framework.