In order to explore the geological characteristics, factors influencingore-formation, migration and occurrence of rare earth elements of iRee deposit in southeastern Zhejiang Province, and to delineate the ore-forming prospect area, this study systematically sampled the outcropped granite porphyry iRee, volcanic iRee and metamorphic iRee, and made a comparative study of various iRee profiles using petrography and rock geochemistry. The results show that the average ∑REE of Hedi granite porphyry is 271.39×10-6, the average ∑REE of tuff is 253.36×10-6, the average ∑REE of Dazhe gneiss is 517.21×10-6, and the average ∑REE of Nanling ore-bearing rock is 289×10-6, which indicates that iRee deposit in southeast Zhejiang Province have good ore-forming rock conditions. In addition, bydetermining the content of rare earth elements in the original rocks, it was found that the rare earth elements mainly exist in independent rare earth minerals and a small amount of accessory minerals which are the main source of ore-forming materials.By comparing the weathering crust profiles it was found that the geochemical characteristics of rare earth elements mainly retain the properties of the original rocks, while the exogenous conditions cause secondary enrichment of the rare earth elements. On the basis of this study, combined with the results of previous research work, this paper presents a preliminary summary of the metallogenic regularity of ion-adsorbed rare earth ore deposits in the area, and discussesfuture prospecting directions. © 2020, Science Press. All right reserved.