Objective: This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of epilepsy in school children in Erzurum and compare it with prevalence studies in Turkey and worldwide. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the center of Erzurum. From the universe formed by 74,732 students, 5,571 people were selected through the "proportionate stratified sampling method" and 4,560 (80%) of the 5,700 questionnaires distributed were collected. Based on the data obtained, 563 students were accepted as possible epilepsy cases and examined for epilepsy. Results: TOf the students participating in the study, 51.3% were female and 48.6% male. Six girls (3/1000) and 10 boys (5/1000), a total of 16 cases (4/1000) were detected to be followed -up for epilepsy. Prevalence rates were found to be 4.5/1000, 2.6/1000 and 3.6/1000 for males, females and the total population, respectively. The prevalence of active epilepsy was determined to be 4/1000, 2/1000, and 3/1000 for males, females and the sum of both, respectively. Conclusion: Epilepsy is an important health problem for our region. The prevalence of epilepsy among school -age children in Erzurum was close to the prevalence rate seen in developed countries. Febrile convulsion, low educational level and low socioeconomic level are the risk factors for epilepsy.