Physical systems are extending their monitoring capacities to edge areas with low-cost, low-power sensors and advanced data mining and machine learning techniques. However, new systems often have limited data for training the model, calling for effective knowledge transfer from other relevant grids. Specifically, Domain Adaptation (DA) seeks domain-invariant features to boost the model performance in the target domain. Nonetheless, existing DA techniques face significant challenges due to the unique characteristics of physical datasets: (1) complex spatial-temporal correlations, ( 2) diverse data sources including node/edge measurements and labels, and ( 3) large-scale data sizes. In this paper, we propose a novel crossgraph DA based on two core designs of graph kernels and graph coarsening. The former design handles spatial-temporal correlations and can incorporate networked measurements and labels conveniently. The spatial structures, temporal trends, measurement similarity, and label information together determine the similarity of two graphs, guiding the DA to find domain-invariant features. Mathematically, we construct a Graph kerNel-based distribution Adaptation (GNA) with a specifically-designed graph kernel. Then, we prove the proposed kernel is positive definite and universal, which strictly guarantees the feasibility of the used DA measure. However, the computation cost of the kernel is prohibitive for large systems. In response, we propose a novel coarsening process to obtain much smaller graphs for GNA. Finally, we report the superiority of GNA in diversified systems, including power systems, mass-damper systems, and human-activity sensing systems.