In this study, vibration control is studied for the flexible satellite through wireless communication, and given the fact that the actuators are prone to unknown faults, the input signal event -triggering and time -varying actuator faults are considered for the flexible satellite simultaneously. The satellite system is composed of two symmetrical flexible panels attached to a centrebody, which is a distributed parameter system and the established model is represented by partial differential equations (PDEs). Based on the PDEs model of the flexible satellite, the input event -triggered mechanism using the relative threshold strategy is designed firstly to lower the communication burden, and then the event -triggered -based adaptive fault -tolerant control laws are developed with the aid of the designed auxiliary signals for the system with time -varying actuator faults. With the proposed control scheme, the vibration of the system is controlled to the small neighborhood of zero, and the angle of the panels is regulated to the desired position. Finally, numerical simulation results are given to further show the effectiveness of the designed control scheme.