Adoption of e-learning by pre-university students following the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis based on the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)

Ali, Noor Saadiah Mohd [1 ]
Fauzi, Muhammad Ashraf [2 ]
Saidin, Nurhafizah [3 ]
Nor, Nurur Raudzah Md [4 ]
Ismail, Nur Farrah Syazwanie [5 ]
Aling, Noor Asiah [5 ]
[1] Int Islamic Univ Malaysia, Ctr Fdn Studies, Dept Chem, Gambang 26300, Pahang, Malaysia
[2] Univ Malaysia Pahang Al Sultan Abdullah, Fac Ind Management, Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
[3] Int Islamic Univ Malaysia, Ctr Fdn Studies, Dept Math, Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia
[4] Int Islamic Univ Malaysia, Ctr Fdn Studies, Dept Chem, Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia
[5] Int Islamic Univ Malaysia, Ctr Fdn Studies, Dept Islamic Revealed Knowledge, Gambang, Pahang, Malaysia
University students; UTAUT; Platform availability; e-learning; Malaysia; New normal; INTENTION; MODEL; SATISFACTION; EDUCATION; INNOVATION; VALIDITY; PROGRAM; SEM;
G40 [教育学];
040101 ; 120403 ;
The COVID-19 pandemic has had immense consequences for education systems worldwide. Institutions had to quickly switch to remote teaching and learning (RTL) as an alternative delivery mode. The study presented here investigated the implementation of an e-learning system for Malaysian pre-university students. The study employed the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to evaluate 503 pre-university students' adoption of e-learning across various states in Malaysia. The analysis was performed through partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings show that all UTAUT variables were significant except for effort expectancy and facilitating condition. Platform availability was found to be highly significant to the intention to engage in e-learning. Despite the existence of a large body of research on the experiences of students in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been few studies of pre-university students. The authors also discuss theoretical and managerial implications. L'adoption de l'apprentissage en ligne par les & eacute;tudiants pr & eacute;-universitaires apr & egrave;s la pand & eacute;mie de COVID-19 : une analyse bas & eacute;e sur la th & eacute;orie unifi & eacute;e de l'acceptation et de l'utilisation des technologies (UTAUT/unified theory of acceptance and use of technology) - La pand & eacute;mie de COVID-19 a & eacute;t & eacute; lourde de cons & eacute;quences pour les syst & egrave;mes d'& eacute;ducation du monde entier. Les & eacute;tablissements durent & agrave; l'& eacute;poque passer rapidement & agrave; un mode d'enseignement & agrave; distance pour remplacer le pr & eacute;sentiel. L'& eacute;tude pr & eacute;sent & eacute;e ici s'est pench & eacute;e sur la mise en place d'un syst & egrave;me d'enseignement en ligne destin & eacute; aux & eacute;tudiants pr & eacute;-universitaires en Malaisie. Elle a pour cela recouru & agrave; la th & eacute;orie unifi & eacute;e de l'acceptation et de l'utilisation des technologies afin d'& eacute;valuer l'adoption de l'enseignement en ligne chez 503 & eacute;tudiants pr & eacute;-universitaires dans diff & eacute;rents & Eacute;tats du pays. Cette analyse a & eacute;t & eacute; effectu & eacute;e au moyen d'une mod & eacute;lisation d'& eacute;quations structurelles par approche PLS. Les r & eacute;sultats indiquent que toutes les variables de la th & eacute;orie unifi & eacute;e de l'acceptation et de l'utilisation des technologies comptent sauf en ce qui concerne l'attente d'efforts et les conditions facilitatrices. Ils ont permis de d & eacute;terminer que la disponibilit & eacute; d'une plateforme & eacute;tait d & eacute;cisive quant & agrave; l'intention d'& eacute;tudier en ligne. S'il existe de nombreuses recherches sur la fa & ccedil;on dont les & eacute;tudiants de l'enseignement sup & eacute;rieur ont v & eacute;cu la pand & eacute;mie de COVID-19, peu d'& eacute;tudes portent en revanche sur les & eacute;tudiants pr & eacute;-universitaires. Les auteurs examinent & eacute;galement l'incidence de la pand & eacute;mie sur le plan th & eacute;orique et manag & eacute;rial.
页码:453 / 475
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