Objective. Identification of coping strategies that have a positive effect on Russian youth self-efficacy in the current situation. Background. The current geopolitical situation is an additional stressor for Russian youth. It can reduce both their self-efficacy and overall psychological well-being. In this regard, it is important for researchers to understand which coping strategies Russian youth use to overcome the current situation, and which of these coping strategies are significant for increasing youth self-efficacy. Study design. We conducted the study in February-April 2023. Mixed methods were used. During the qualitative stage, we identified the coping strategies used by young people in the current situation. During the quantitative stage, we found the relationship of coping strategies with youth self-efficacy using hierarchical regression. Participants. 10 respondents (5 men, 5 women; 18-30 years old) took part in the qualitative study, in the quantitative study - 172 respondents. The respondents were aged 18 to 30 (M = 21,58, SD = 2,93) (36,6% men, 63,4% women). Measurements. Interview guide aimed at identifying coping strategies, Russian-language versions of the R. Schwarzer and M. Yerusalem scale of general self-efficacy, adapted by V. Romek, and V. Janke and G. Erdmann's scale of coping strategies for overcoming difficult life situations, adapted by N. Vodo-pyanova. Results. The self-efficacy of Russian youth is positively associated with such coping strategies as "Problem Solving", "Self-Control", "Hobby" and negatively with "Problem Avoidance" and "Search for Social Support". Conclusions. In modern conditions, Russian youth self-efficacy was predicted only by active cop-ing strategies focused on problem solving, self-control and involvement in interesting and meaningful activities for young people.