The main objective of this paper is to analyze the literature that has studied the intervention of the influencer in tourist decision-making. Through a systematic review and content analysis of the scientific articles located in the databases Science Direct, Web of Science, Springer, Redalyc, Dialnet, Scielo, and Emerald, both open and restricted access, in English and Spanish. Considering the first article related to the topic in the year 2003 to cover the first half of the year 2022. The results show the concepts, theoretical foundations, and methodological approaches that have been developed in related research, as well as the present and future trends in the literature that has dealt with the influencer phenomenon in tourism. Each of the elements, distinguished as indispensable for the performance of influencer marketing in practice, is identified and explained. The main findings are discussed and a knowledge base is offered for researchers who wish to study the influencer phenomenon in more depth, which is considered useful for the design of tourism marketing strategies in organizations. Finally, the gaps in knowledge are presented, as well as the limitations detected in the research.