Transformer-based instance-level recognition has attracted increasing research attention recently due to the superior performance. However, although attempts have been made to encode masks as embeddings into Transformer-based frameworks, how to combine mask embeddings and spatial information for a transformer-based approach is still not fully explored. In this paper, we revisit the design of mask-embedding-based pipelines and propose an Instance Segmentation TRansformer (ISTR) with Mask Meta-Embeddings (MME), leveraging the strengths of transformer models in encoding embedding information and incorporating spatial information from mask embeddings. ISTR incorporates a recurrent refining head that consists of a Dynamic Box Predictor (DBP), a Mask Information Generator (MIG), and a Mask Meta-Decoder (MMD). To improve the quality of mask embeddings, MME interprets the mask encoding-decoding processes as a mutual information maximization problem, which unifies the objective functions of different decoding schemes such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) with a meta-formulation. Under the meta-formulation, a learnable Spatial Mask Tuner (SMT) is further proposed, which fuses the spatial and embedding information produced from MIG and can significantly boost the segmentation performance. The resulting varieties, i.e., ISTR-PCA, ISTR-DCT, and ISTR-SMT, demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of incorporating mask embeddings with the query-based instance segmentation pipelines. On the COCO dataset, ISTR surpasses all predominant mask-embedding-based models by a large margin, and achieves competitive performance compared to concurrent state-of-the-art models. On the Cityscapes dataset, ISTR also outperforms several strong baselines. Our code has been made available at: