The objective of the study is to reveal the realities of the realisation of the children's right of participation in the community children's care home based on children's experience. For the study, qualitative study was chosen while using a semi-structured interview method. Eight children living in the community children's care homes (henceforth referred as CCCH), which are located in different sites in Lithuania, participated in the study. The study revealed the realization expression of the child's right of participation and difficulties in realising it at CCCH. The realization expression of the children's right of participation at CCCH should be attributed to the respect of employees for the right of the child of participation. It is expressed through the openness of employees to the opinion of the child, giving an opportunity for the child to speak out their opinion, and listening to the opinion of the child. Discussion of the child with the adult should take place as well as adhering of the adult to the opinion of the child when taking decisions, and the encouragement and support for the autonomy of children. The child's right of participation is also realised in everyday situations while allowing the child to manage his personal space according to his needs, involving the child in the leisure planning and organisation. The child should have an opportunity to participate in leisure activities according to their likes and interests, as well as consulting with the child regarding household chores. The study identified that the realisation difficulties of the children's right of participation at CCCH are attributable to the dominating position of the employee and the child's lack of trust towards himself and his own opinion. The dominating position of the employee is expressed through the non-listening to the opinion of children, disagreement with the child, the devaluation of the opinion of the child, the lack of adhering to the opinion of the child and the overriding of the opinion of the child. The child's lack of trust towards himself and his own opinion is linked with the belief of the child that his opinion is insignificant due to negative experiences in the past, the timidity of children to speak out their opinions and the unwillingness or fear of children to worsen their relationships with employees.