The paper presents results of adapting the Russian version of the Malevolent Creativity Behavior Scale (MCBS) developed under the guidance of M. Ranko (Hao et al, Front. Psychol. 2016. Vol. 7. 682). The adaptation was carried out in 2016-2018 on a sample of 458 people (convicted of lucrative, aggressive and lucrative, and aggressive violent crimes; employees of law enforcement bodies, football fans; students of Moscow educational institutions of different profiles). The three-factor structure of the translated version corresponds to the original version and includes 3 scales: 'Harm', 'Lies' and 'Mean jokes'. The analysis of constructive validity revealed significant correlations of the integral scale with aggression, hostility, anger (Bass-Perry questionnaire), search for novelty (TCI-125), and aggression and hostility became significant positive predictors of malevolent creativity. The paper analyses the differences from the original version of the scale. As it was revealed, the values of the social focus, 'Traditions' and 'Conformism-Rules' (PVQ-R), can block the connection between aggression components and malevolent creativity. The stability of the scale's factor structure was confirmed on different samples of subjects; the evaluation of construct validity and retest reliability was carried out. According to the adaptation results, the translated version of the MCBS can be applied in practice and research. The paper outlines the core of melavolent creativity profile and provides some suggestions for further research.