Introduction: Ultra-processed foods have industrial formulations high in sugar, saturated fat, sodium, stabilizers and preservatives with aggressive marketing. The objective of the study was to identify foods with excessive nutrient content according to the PAHO 2016 nutrient profile model. Material and Methods: Study descriptive carried out from July to November 2016 in the nutrition laboratory (Zamorano University, Honduras). An exhaustive sample was made of the different ultra-processed foods offered in the main sales centers of national representativeness. A total of 520 food products were grouped into eleven categories, according to the PAHO 2016 nutrient profile model. The nutritional labels were photographed, reviewed and a database was created in Excel (c) (Microsoft, 2010) with 28 variables (category, type, name, company, country of origin, serving size, caloric intake, reported nutrients). Results: The products came from 21 countries and 138 companies; 75% of the total products examined per serving had excess sugars, 37% sodium, 33% total fats and 30% contained sweeteners (other than sugar). The 96% of calorically sweetened soft drinks, chocolates, caramels and calorically sweetened dairy beverages presented excess sugars content; 92%, 88% and 95% of the cheeses with salt added, sausages and snacks contained excess sodium; 82% and 71% of cookies were identified with excess sugars and fats, respectively. The 91% of cereals with added sugars had excess sugars and 64% sodium. Conclusions: Regulate and/or decrease the advertising of ultra-processed foods; implement mandatorily the content of added sugars and adopt the front labeling.