At the current stage of the development of society, there is an increasing need for food, which favours the production in agriculture, the intensive use of agricultural techniques, increased norms of fertilizer, in order to avoid the deficit of nutritive elements and to decrease soil fertility. Soils with varying degrees of erosion are often employed in agricultural production; the share of highly eroded soils in the Republic of Moldova is of 114,000 ha (14.5%). Thus, with 1% increase of the agricultural production, the energy expenditure is increased by 2-3%. As a result, there appears the need to develop and implement energetic-economic, energetic-profitable and natural resource protection technologies in the agricultural production system. The solution of the identified difficulties consists in the initial awareness of the mutual relationship between the latter and the adaptation of the existing agricultural technologies to the contemporary ones, whose distinctive character consists in using information technologies in agriculture production. This involves quantitative assessment, management and optimization of energy flow in agro-ecosystems. As a result of scientific investigations carried out within the Institute of Pedology, Agrochemistry and Soil Protection "Nicolae Dimo", geo-information technologies were implemented in order to estimate the types of degradation and the energy analysis method in agriculture, so as to contribute to lower energy costs in agricultural production and to reduce the soil degradation process through erosion.