Unlike the philosophy of existentialism, Paul Ricoeur's phi losophy fully exhibits the Christian hope. Without the believer's dog matic bias, Paul Ricoeur's theology abounds in philosophical attestati ons. By his affirmation of the "Incarnation" and analysis of the nary ative event, Paul Ricoeur shows us the piety of a philosopher and t he philosophical integrity of a believer. Paul Ricoeur finds the meani ng in being-in-the-world, not as a Christian optimist or a, existential pessimist, but as a religious philosopher. Ricoeur's passion is a passi on for the "possible", and the "possible" which Ricoeur pursues is t he mediation of the long-disputed conflicts between philosophy and t heology, reason and faith. The ideal way to access the "possible", in Ricoeur's view, is through metaphor and poetry.