Boron deficiency is identified as one of the more important causes of poor stem form and malformed leaves in plantations of Eucalyptus globulus in Yunnan Province, and of Eucalyptus grandis, Eucalyptus tereticornis, and Eucalyptus urophylla in Guandong Province. Symptoms of B deficiency in E. globulus were rolled and malformed leaves, stem dieback, and a prostrate form. In E. urophylla, leaf margins became chlorotic then necrotic, leaves turned brittle and corky, shoots died back, and the upper stem nodes were enlarged supporting numerous short-lived axillary shoots. In E. grandis, stem dieback was preceded by the basipetal accumulation of anthocyanin in leaves. Boron-deficient E. tereticornis leaves developed marginal and interveinal chlorosis and recurved margins. Depressed foliar B concentrations were associated with visible symptoms. In E. globulus, the mean B concentration in young leaves of healthy trees was 31 mg/kg dry matter compared with 10 mg/kg in prostrate trees. Symptoms did not appear in E. globulus trees supplied with B fertilizer at planting. Normal shoot growth was restored in E. urophylla by the addition of B to the soil.