This paper was written by Terry Eagleton as the introduction to the book, Jesus Christ. The Gospels. In this new presentation of the Gospels, Terry Eagleton, as both a Christian and 6 a Marxist, focused on the question "Was Jesus a revolutionary?" and made a provocative argument from the dual perspectives of Christianity and Marxism, which was different from scriptural traditions. He reviewed the relationship between Jesus. and the Zealot, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the meaning of Judas' surname, and the possible motive of his betrayal. On the basis of these reflections, he made some bold conjectures as to why Jesus was crucified and whether he sought his own death. In the course of argumentation, he contrasted from time to time the Kingdom of God for Jesus with socialism for Marx. Now and then, he compared Jesus with revolutionaries like Lenin and Trotsky. All in all, Terry Eagleton considered Jesus an extreme radical in his politics from the perspectives of history, family, ethic, law, etc. He was not a revolutionary by Leninist definitions because he had no concept of historical self-determination; nor did Jesus believe in the overthrow of governments. From the viewpoint of social justice, political peace, and comrade relations, however, Jesus was a radical through and through. Subsequently, Terry Eagleton concluded that Jesus was neither more nor less a revolutionary. He was both more and less than a revolutionary.