The effect of the fatty acid composition of chylomicrons on the uptake and processing of the cholesterol they carry was investigated in the rat in vivo. Rats kept on a standard low fat pellet diet and tube fed a single dose of palm, olive, corn or fish oil (rich in saturated, n - 9 monounsaturated, n - 6 polyunsaturated and n - 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, respectively) were used to prepare [H-3]cholesterol-labelled chylomicrons of different fatty acid composition. These were then injected intravenously into rats (kept on the standard diet), and the clearance of radioactivity from the blood, distribution in the plasma lipoprotein density fractions, uptake by the liver and appearance in the bile were studied. [H-3]Cholesterol from fish and corn oil chylomicrons was cleared from the blood more rapidly than that from palm and olive oil chylomicrons. After 180 min the proportion of the radioactivity present in the plasma in high density lipoprotein (HDL) was less when the chylomicrons were derived from palm oil as compared to any of the other oils. Approx. 40% of the administered label was recovered in the liver after 180 min in all experiments. The percentage of the injected radioactivity secreted into bile during 180 min was significantly higher with corn and fish oil chylomicrons than with palm oil chylomicrons, with chylomicrons from olive oil in an intermediate position, and these differences were most pronounced between 60 and 120 min after administration of the label. These studies clearly demonstrate that the fatty acid composition of chylomicrons has important effects on the hepatic uptake and processing of the cholesterol they carry, with enrichment with polyunsaturated fatty acids leading to an increased rate of uptake and more rapid removal from the body via the bile as compared to enrichment with saturated or monounsaturated fatty acids.