Current projections of the response of the biosphere to global climatic change indicate as much as 50% to 90% spatial displacement of extratropical biomes. The mechanism of spatial shift could be dominated by either 1) competitive displacement of northern biomes by southern biomes, or 2) drought-induced dieback of areas susceptible to change. The current suite of global biosphere models cannot distinguish between these two processes, thus determining the need for a mechanistically based biome model. The first steps have been taken towards the development of a rule-based, mechanistic model of regional biomes at a continental scale. The computer model is based on a suite of empirically generated conceptual models of biome distribution. With a few exceptions the conceptual models are based on the regional water balance and the potential supply of water to vegetation from two different soil layers, surface for grasses and deep for woody vegetation. The seasonality of precipitation largely determines the amount and timing of recharge of each of these soil layers and thus, the potential mixture of vegetative life-forms that could be supported under a specific climate. The current configuration of rules accounts for the potential natural vegetation at about 94% of 1211 climate stations over the conterminous U.S. Increased temperatures, due to global warming, would 1) reduce the supply of soil moisture over much of the U.S. by reducing the volume of snow and increasing winter runoff, and 2) increase the potential evapotranspiration (PET). These processes combined would likely produce widespread drought-induced dieback in the nation's biomes. The model is in an early stage of development and will require several enhancements, including explicit simulation of PET, extension to boreal and tropical biomes, a shift from steady-state to transient dynamics, and validation on other continents.