This paper studies agrarian administrative procedures in the Law of Agricultural Land and Agrarian Development which guarantee the right to property and private land ownership by private individuals when faced with the powers to be in public agrarian administration in Venezuela, principally that of The National Land Institute (INTI). In this sense it analyzes the procedures of: declarations of non-productivity, productivity certification, land production process and improvement certificates, adjudication of land, and rescue of land based on decisions of constitutional doctrine on the part of the Supreme Court of Justice. The research is documentary and based on doctrine, legislation and jurisprudence, while the method employed is analytical. The conclusion is that the guarantee of the right to property, occupation and possession depends on the correct management of procedures, the fulfillment of the minimum requirements related to notification, respect for the limits of the exercise of discretional power, and in general, knowledge of agrarian rights. Greater publication and notification of the contents of the Law, both on the part of owners, occupants and agrarian beneficiaries as well as on the part of INTI officials, and especially on the part of thosewho work in regional land offices, is recommended.