The case of Chelsea Manning represents both continuity and change in the history of U.S. national security culture. Manning's stated motives are similar to the motives of other national security leakers; however, pre-court-martial media discourse (June 2010-January 2012) often emphasizes Manning's sexual orientation, implying that queer psychopathology uniquely explains her decision to provide classified material to WikiLeaks. Such commentary reflects and reinforces the persistent institutional and cultural myth that homosexuality endangers national security. Manning's case, however, suggests opportunities for the development of queer citizenship within U.S. national security affairs.
Gettysburg Coll, Women Gender & Sexual Studies Program, Gettysburg, PA 17325 USAGettysburg Coll, Women Gender & Sexual Studies Program, Gettysburg, PA 17325 USA
Lib Congress, Congress Res Serv, Washington, DC 20540 USA
Off Naval Intelligence, Washington, DC 20395 USALib Congress, Congress Res Serv, Washington, DC 20540 USA
Rutgers State Univ, Grad Sch Educ, Policy Educ, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 USARutgers State Univ, Grad Sch Educ, Policy Educ, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 USA