Given the changes in modern society, especially under the new technologies of information and communication technologies (ICT's), and the intensification of globalization, organizations have sought to upgrade their technologies, processes and tools, ensuring competitiveness and favorable active in the market. In this context, one of the strategies used is the outsourcing of activities that are not inherent to the ultimate goal of the organization, among which are characterized logistics services. In Brazil annually are spent approximately R $ 192 billion, or 11.7% of the National Gross Domestic Product, with logistics. Of this amount, approximately 63% are directed to third-party payment, or for logistics service providers. Given this representation of the sector to the national economy, the present study aimed to demonstrate the reasons that lead companies to opt for outsourcing of logistics distribution, in the view of a coordinator logistics operations. A survey was conducted from basic qualitative interviews, using a semi-structured screenplay, with the coordinator of logistics operations at AGV Logistics, responsible for the operations of the company here called Betha. According to the respondent, Betha the company chooses to outsource their logistics services in order to reduce the costs of hiring and building maintenance, development and maintenance of skilled labor, investment in information technology and handling equipment. Besides cost, other reasons for outsourcing are the main focus in business and operational flexibility.