Study activities relates to international trade situation for the grapes, 2009-2011. It starts from the presentation of the situation at the continental level (Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania) after which are specifies the indicators for Romania and the European Union. The main importer (in terms of quantity) is represented by Europe (more than half), followed by America and Asia -56.60, 23.45 and 18.77% respectively. Regarding of exports (in terms of quantity), the main actors are represented by America, Europe and Asia. They dominated the world market, achieving 40.93, 29.68 and 18.58% respectively of world exports quantitatively. Africa and Oceania recording share below 10.0% (9.67 and 1.14% respectively). The trade balance has deficient character (-856.6 million dominant phenomenon. $). Analyzing the situation in each continent stands out strict surplus situations specific to America, Africa and Oceania (773.5, 619.1, respectively 38 mil. $). Unfortunately they could not offset the decisive continuously deficits for Europe and Asia (-368.7 -1918.2 and mil. $).