Characteristics of 12 savanna soils in Nigeria were determined. The five Alfisols, one Ultisol, three Vertisols, two Oxisols, and one Entisol included samples of a wide range of texture, acidity and constituent composition. Except for the Quartzipsamment, all samples included an appreciable amount of silt (10-69%). Kaolinite was the dominant mineral in the clay fraction of all the well-drained soils, whereas smectite was dominant in the Vertisols. Quartz was the dominant mineral in the sand fraction of most of the soils, followed by K-feldspar, but the Oxisols contained also an appreciable amount of ilmenite, magnetite and other iron oxide minerals in that fraction. Extractable P was generally highest in the surface horizons but values were below 10 mg kg-1 except in one sample. The organic C exceeded 1% in only five of the surface horizons. The cation exchange capacity values at soil pH were below 10 meq per 100 g except in the Vertisols. Harmattan dust deposits may have affected the content of silt and other characteristics of these soils.