Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was compared with office blood pressure in 48 normotensive, 81 borderline hypertensives and 35 untreated hypertensives. The studied groups were chosen from a geographically defined population of middle-aged men in southern Sweden. The mean 24-h ambulatory blood pressure values for the normotensives, borderline hypertensives and untreated hypertensives were 120/76, 127/82 and 140/92 mmHg, respectively. The diurnal mean ambulatory blood pressure in the three groups was 126/80, 134/86 and 146/ 96 mmHg, respectively. The percentage of 24-h diastolic blood pressure peaks greater-than-or-equal-to 95 mmHg in the groups were 7%, 22% and 53%, respectively. The corresponding values greater-than-or-equal-to 90 mmHg were 16%, 38% and 69%, respectively. In the untreated hypertensive group, there was a more pronounced (P < 0.05) systolic blood pressure increase during the morning hours (0600-1000 h) than in the normotensive and borderline hypertensive groups. Fourteen per cent of the hypertensives showed normal blood pressure values during 24-h blood pressure monitoring. Fifteen per cent of the borderline hypertensives were normotensive during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring despite repeated office diastolic blood pressure greater-than-or-equal-to 90 mmHg. The opposite (increased blood pressure during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and at screening but normal office blood pressure) was seen in 14% of the borderline hypertensives. Normotensives were characterized by lower mean blood pressure values, fewer blood pressure peaks and a lower systolic blood pressure increase during the morning hours than hypertensives in this study of middle-aged men. The established way of diagnosing hypertension, borderline hypertension and normotension correlated well with the results of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring.