Demonstratio Evangelica can be distinguished among other works by Eusebius of Caesarea due to the high occurrence of the term symbol (sigma upsilon mu beta o lambda ov). Most of the usage cases are found in important exegetical or theological passages. The follower of Origen, Eusebius inherits Alexandrian symbolism in its various kinds. This research is based on the context analysis of the notion "symbol" in Praeparatio Evangelica and Demonstratio Evangelica. All the usage cases of symbolon and several related terms have been classified according to the semantics of their contexts. Eusebius introduces a significant change in the meaning of symbol related to establishing the New Testament, which substitutes the regulations of the Old Testament. Two important features of Eusebian thought are highlighted. Firstly, it is his inclination to the Trinitarian subordinatism of Origen and, secondly, the view at the incarnation of Logos as the central point of human history splitting it into the Old Testament and New Testament periods, distinguished by the substantial difference in relations between God and mankind. The context analysis allowed us to classify Eusebian symbols into the following categories: exegetical symbols (symbolic interpretation of particular places in the Scripture), Old Testament liturgical symbols (according to Eusebius, all the details of worship established by Moses have certain symbolic meaning), anthropological symbol (the Old Testament anointing the high priest with the unguent makes him a symbol of Christ), and Eucharistic symbol (Christ's Body and Blood in the Eucharist are called symbols). Eusebian symbolism reveals one intrinsic contradiction: on the one hand, Eusebius states that the New Testament opens the intelligible truth to be perceived without any mediation of material symbols, which pertain to the Old Testament only. On the other hand, he uses symbols for the interpretations of the New Testament texts; moreover, he applies the term symbol to the Eucharist. A possible solution for this antinomy is suggested. It is necessary to distinguish two levels of the Eusebian symbol, with the one related to the manifestative function of symbol and the other being the ground for likening man to Christ as mediator between God the Father and the created world. Finally, some observations are made to show how Eusebian symbolism in Demonstratio Evangelica might have influenced the image of Constantine the Great in the late writings by Eusebius of Caesarea.