BACKGROUND Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) tumours constitute an important public health problem and are common in both urban and rural communities, although very few studies have been conducted to know the prevalence of the tumours. This study aims to determine the different types of ENT tumours in the backward rural region to get an overall understanding of tumours in that region, which will help in future to formulate concrete measures to manage such patients and also to create awareness among population about these tumours, methods of prevention, and management. MATERIALS AND METHODS It is a descriptive study conducted for a period of 3 years at GSL Medical College and General Hospital, Rajahmundry from 2014 to 2017. Patients with ENT tumours who presented to OP and IP department in GSL Hospital were considered and all suspected malignant tumours were screened initially. Later therapeutic surgical removal of the tumours was done, and the materials were sent to pathology department for final diagnosis. RESULTS A total of 140 cases were recorded during three years. Males constituted 55.8% and females constituted 44.2%. The mean age of the patients was 53 +/- 14 years with a minimum age of 18 years and maximum age of 80 years. Majority of tumour occurrence was in the age group of 51 to 70 years. Among malignant tumours, squamous cell carcinoma was most common followed by premalignant leukoplakia. Among benign tumours, angiofibroma, spindle cell tumours and papillomas were more common. CONCLUSION The present study identified the distribution of various tumours in the region of Rajahmundry. The presence of more number of malignant tumours reflects a poor early diagnosis and screening technique. There is a need for screening of persons of both genders, above 50 years of age, for ENT tumours which will aid in early management. Primary prevention, health education, and awareness regarding the ENT tumours at the village level should be given priority.