The article deals with the analysis of additional cases of redemption of the land plot for the state and municipal needs established in laws of regions of the Russian Federation. Problems of interaction of the Russian Federation and regions of the Russian Federation concerning possession, using and the order by the land, differentiations of the civil and land legislation are covered. Exclusive character of state (municipal) objects which are provided by the regional legislator as the basis of redemption of the land plot for public needs in documents of land-use planning is estimated. The role of land-use planning documents is described. Among analyzed objects - objects of housing construction activity, stadiums, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, other social objects, which go a long way for people. Regional laws are characterized from the point of view of legal owners whose premises are to be taken away in connection with public needs. It is very important to consider their interests. The author of article results positions of the Concept of real right legislation development which regulates grounds for termination of the right of property, and agrees with authors of the Concept regarding that norms about the rights to the ground areas, about a turn of the ground areas are considered as norms not land, but the civil legislation. The author comes to a conclusion about necessity of regulation grounds for termination of the right of land property by the civil legislation which is in conducting the Russian Federation. In such situation possibility of an establishment of additional cases redemption of the land plot will be excluded from conducting regions of the Russian Federation. It undoubtedly is a perspective stage in development of institute of withdrawal of the ground areas for public needs since legitimate interests of legal land owners will be in a greater degree guaranteed. Definiteness and predictability of public power actions is a condition of stability of a civil circulation.