Limited information is available which describes the response of established alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to topdressing applications of K fertilizer in the Southeastern United States. Field experiments were conducted for three years to determine alfalfa response to rates and time of K application. The experiments were established in two-year old stands of alfalfa on a Decatur silty clay loam (clayey, kaolinitic, thermic Rhodic Paleudults) and a Hartsells fine sandy loam (fine loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Hapludults) located in northern Alabama. Potassium as KCl was broadcast in the spring prior to regrowth. For split application treatments, the K was applied in early spring and after the second cutting. Annual total K rates ranged from 56 to 596 kg/ha. Potassium fertilization maintained alfalfa stand density on both soils, but the experiment on the Decatur soil was discontinued after two years due to severe stand loss when the lowest rate of added K was used. Alfalfa yields were increased by the application of K and maximum yields occurred when K was applied according to soil test recommendations made by the Auburn University soil testing laboratory. Potassium applications increased the concentration of K, decreased the concentration of Ca and Mg and had little effect on the concentration of N in tissue from the two cuttings sampled. The split application of K did not consistently increase forage production. There was little movement of K below 25 cm in either soil when K rates of 56 to 596 kg/ha/yr were repeated yearly for up to three years.