Objective: To identify the presence of fetal alcohol syndrome, other alcohol-related congenital defects, and/or neurodevelopment disorders in newborns of mothers who consumed alcohol during gestation. Methods: In a public maternity in the city of Sao Paulo, 1,964 puerperal women were interviewed and 654 had consumed alcohol at some point during gestation. The newborns were clinically and laboratorially examined in order to identify the occurrence of fetal alcohol syndrome, congenital defects or neurodevelopment disorders related to alcohol. Results: Three children were found with fetal alcohol syndrome (1.5/1,000 live births), 6 with congenital defects related to alcohol (3.0/1,000 live births), and 67 with developmental disorders related to alcohol (34.1/1,000 live births). The congenital malformations found in these children were thin or absent corpus callosum, brain cyst, asymmetry of the cerebral ventricles, meningomyelocele, cleft lip, anteverted nose, low-set ears, megaureter, hydronephrosis, polydactyly, congenital clubfoot, aphalangia of the toes, cryptorchidism, and hypospadia. Conclusion: Newborns of mothers who consumed alcohol may have congenital malformations of various organs and systems, and early diagnosis is fundamental for a probable and occasional more effective resolution and progress.