In this paper, we pose learning as a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon, which is the product of a series of conditions emerging from a networking causality, taking body as a mediating instance between subject and the world, affecting reciprocally each other. Based on concept of translation, defended by Actor-Network Theory, we searched their unfolding in Psychology field in order to understand the construction of identities as bets, always temporaries, of materiality and sociality processed mixtures, during human biography lifetime. We used Stengers-Despret principles, brought up to date for Latour, pointing to an alternative political epistemology reflecting on teaching, learning and knowledge construction: while a process is necessarily tied and tuned with others; while a risked enterprise that leads in account, as a survival strategy, human and on human recalcitrance; that offers occasions to differ in a movement where all the involved ones modify each others because of the produced effects; while a plural and inclusive practice, having, finally, a common world as the major objective of this constructions.