The fact that tonsillectomy (T), or tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy (T & A) or adenoidectomy (A) can be performed safely in selected children on a daycare or out-patient basis is well proven1-8. This article illustrates the approach that the British Columbia Children's Hospital (B.C.C.H.) took to confirm that the procedures were safe locally. A pilot project was started in June of 1984 to perform daycare adenoidectomies only, using two full-time pediatric otolaryngologists. When this proved successful, other otolaryngologists were encouraged to use the program. In June of 1988, a second pilot project was started for daycare tonsillectomies (or tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy). Criteria were established for patient selection, preparation, anesthesia, post-anesthetic recovery (PAR), Daycare Unit (DCU) nursing, and discharge. Follow-up information was obtained. Daycare tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy and daycare adenoidectomy are now routine procedures at B.C.C.H.