In 2007 a new definition of Metabolic Syndrome (MS) for children and adolescents, arises from the IDF (International Diabetes Federation), giving to the obesity abdominal region, a prevalent role associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. To estimate the prevalence of MS using IDF criteria among adolescent students in the province of Salta (2008-2009). Methodology: Cross-sectional study. Population: 659 adolescents between 16 and 20 years old, attending the last grade of public and private high schools of Salta (Capital), Cafayate and JV. Gonzalez. Variables: MS: WC >= 80 cm women, men >= 90 cm, TG >= 150 mg / dl, HDL: women <= 50 mg/dl, men <= 40 mg/dl; systolic / diastolic >= 130/85 mmHg, fasting glucose >= 100mg/dl. BMI z score (WHO). Sociodemographic: sex, residence, school, family income. Statistical analysis: Chi square, Fisher (proportions). Kolgomorov (normal), Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis (median). Logistic regression (SPSS 17) p < 0.05. Results: The overall prevalence of MS was 4.1%, 3.1% in women and 5.5% in men; 3.4% and 5.1% in the Capital and the rest of the province; 0.4% in normally nourished, 13.2% overweight and 50% obese individuals. Median TG, glucose and systolic / diastolic were significantly higher in men, the rest of the province and obese, the WC was higher in the Capital, in men and obese individuals. The multivariate regression analysis was associated with overweight / obesity increased odds of MS (0R 77.46) adjusted by sex, residence and family income. Conclusions: There is a MS prevalence similar to that reported in other studies with variable features into its components by sex, residence and nutritional status.