Thepresent study was aimed to cryopreserve mature, immature oocytes and in vitro produced embryos in Iraqi sheep through Ultra-rapid cryopreservation (vitrification technique) using local, simple, cost effective and novel vitrification tool. This tool was modified straws named Vitricareinvented, designed and used for the first time. Immature oocytes were aspirated from ovaries of slaughtered ewes and subjected into in vitro maturationand in vitro fertilization programs. The mature, immature oocytes and embryos were vitrified, then thawed and assessed for the morphology and viability at two periods: post thawing and 2hours post thawing. The results observed non-significant effect (P>0.05) for time in the viability and normal morphology of vitrified immature and mature oocytes for post-thawing and 2 hours post-thawing. Highly significant differences (P<0.01) were found in the viability of 1 cell embryo post-thawing and two hours post-thawing which were 72.22 % and 55.56 %, respectively, while no significant difference in the normal morphology at two periods. The results observed significant reduction (P<0.05) in the viability and normal morphology of 2 cell embryo for the time post-thawing and two hours post-thawing which were 71.43 %, 64.29 % for viability and 78.57 %, 71.43 % for morphology, respectively. The results showed significant differences(P<0.05) in the post-thawing viability and normal morphology among immatureoocytes, mature oocytes, 1 cell and 2 cell embryos which were 84.47 %, 83.61 %, 72.22 % and 71.43%, for viability and 86.41 %, 88.52%, 72.22% and 78.57% for normal morphology, respectively. It was concluded from this study, successful vitrification of oocytes and embryos using this novel, simple and cost effective vitrification tools involving Vitricare.