The author detailed a comprehensive and complex metabolic profile test for the control of feeding and diagnosis of subclinical metabolic diseases of cattle. The methods were developed at the Central Laboratory of the University of Veterinary Sciences, Budapest. It has been reported that parameters of energy, Ca, P and Mg metabolism and those of blood, urine and rumen juice, indicating the acid-base balance, as well as statistical characteristics of pathognostic blood parameters for subclinical production diseases (subclinical fat-mobilization disease and hyperketonaemia) were determined for dairy cows belonging to different physiological phases (Tables 2 to 5). On the basis of investigations carried out in 10 large-scale dairy farms, prevalence of certain subclinical metabolic disorders and their incidence within a stock were surveyed (Table 6). A feeding technology was elaborated to prevent the peripartal disturbances of energy balance, Wide use of the results obtained might increase the profit of Hungarian dairy farms.