The Etendeka Formation of north-western Nambia consists of a sequence of interbedded quartz latites and tholeiitic basalts and forms part of the Karoo Igneous Province in southern Africa. The age of the Etendeka Formation is approximately 130-135 Ma. The quartz latites make up a significant proportion of the stratigraphic succession (> 25% of the total stratigraphic thickness) and form as much as 60% of the outcrop area in the southern Etendeka. Apart from some systematic differences between pitchstones and devitrified quartz latite, largely explained by alteration processes, individual quartz latite units exhibit remarkably uniform compositions with no significant vertical or lateral variation. Geochemistry can be used as a primary criterion for the correlation of major quartz latite units over much of the southern Etendeka area enabling the reconstruction of the Etendeka Formation stratigraphy in this region. Individual quartz latite units occur as voluminous (400-2600 km3), widespread (up to 8800 km2), sheet-like deposits typically between 40 and 300 m thick. Each unit consists of basal, main and upper zones. The main zone generally constitutes over 70% of the thickness of the unit and typically consists of texturally featureless devitrified quartz latite. In contrast the basal and upper zones of the flow are characterised by flow banding, pitchstone lenses and breccia, with rare occurrences of pyroclastic textures. The quartz latites are sparsely porphyritic (< 10% phenocrysts) with glassy or devitrified groundmass textures. The phenocrysts consist of plagioclase, pyroxene, titanomagnetite and rare ilmenite. Pyroxene geothermometry indicates high (1000-1100-degrees-C) temperatures of crystallisation which, coupled with the absence or primary hydrous phases, indicates that the quartz latites were relatively hot, H2O-understaturated magmas. The quartz latites display features common to both rhyolite lavas and ignimbrites and are clearly the products of an unusual eruption style. The local preservation of pyroclastic textures and the broad areal extent of these units lead to the conclusion that the quartz latites are high-temperature rheomorphic ignimbrites (i.e. rheoignimbrites). A combination of high eruption temperature and relatively low viscosity helps to explain the often completely welded and homogeneous textures observed in most quartz latite outcrops in the Etendeka area.