During National Smile Week 1992 a dental display was manned in a large shopping centre in Stretford, Greater Manchester, UK. The purpose of the display was to improve dental health knowledge of people visiting the centre and to increase attendance at general dental practices. Advice was given about how to prevent tooth decay and the advantages of being registered with a dentist. Leaflets and samples of sugar-free foods and drinks and dental products were distributed. One thousand and forty two people entered a 'Safe Snack' competition. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the exhibition in improving dental health knowledge and behaviour. Following the event, people in the Centre were questioned and the uptake of advice assessed by comparing the results with those found before Smile Week. The percentage giving the correct answers about sweets rose from 37 to 58% (P < 0.05) and about snacks from 47 to 75% (P < 0.01). In addition the percentage taking all their children to the dentist rose from 26 to 60% (P<0.01). The percentage attending the dentist themselves also rose from 32 to 44% but this difference was not significant. No significant differences were detected between those interviewed before Smile Week and those interviewed afterwards who had not seen the display. It is concluded that the display has been successful in improving knowledge and encouraging parents to take their children to the dentist.