This study investigates the concept and practice of engagement via media platforms from the perspectives of brands, audience, and media. Under the premise that engagement is a multi-dimensional construct that presents a more complex, qualitative nature different from the traditional, exposure-based quantitative metrics frequently adopted for linear media, this study explores how diverse market sectors and key constituents perceive and apply engagement. In-depth interviews were conducted with 74 subjects from various sectors across 8 countries and textually analyzed using a qualitative data analysis software. Utilizing thematic analysis, the qualitative research addressed the definition, relevancy, and application of audience engagement via media platforms, especially for video content. It was found that promoting engagement is a critical strategy to combat the increasing demand for audience attention. It encompasses all three cognitive-affective-behavioral aspects, but is valued and practiced on a behavioral level most often. Engagement is a thread that links campaign phases together but it is realistically addressed only after more readily available metrics. There are significant challenges in integrating digital and linear media platforms from the perspective of engagement as individual platforms have their own unique characteristics and impacts. In practice, it is also difficult to measure media engagement with metrics that are conceptually meaningful and methodologically accessible.